This is Shareware, you are permitted to test this program for 2 months. If
you decide to keep it, you should send $20 to the author. Until you register,
you can only open the first few games in a list window, and there are no save
or merge available.
MacPGN is a program for viewing PGN (Portable Game Notation) text files and doing chess analyze.
If you don't want to start from the originate board, you can setup the pieces
at any way you like, and start analyze from that position.
In Setup mode, you just drag the pieces onto the board. If you drag a piece from one place to another, it is copied. To get rid of a piece, command click it.
Click the appropriate button to move forward or backward. Auto move, moves
in the last selected direction. To do quick movements, click in the scroll box.
You can open files with max 10000 games, if you have larger files break
them up in smaller pieces. How many files and windows you can have open is memory dependent.
Menu File:
Opens a new window. If the frontmost window is a list window, and there
are selections, those games are opened.
If the frontmost window is a info window, a line is append to the box.
Opens a listwindow containing the games in the choosed file.
Closes the frontmost window.
Saves the game in the frontmost window.
Merges the game at the end of an existing file.
If the frontmost window is a list window, and it contains selections,
all the selected games are merged.
As expected.
Menu Edit:
Basic edit items.
Allow you to specify some options, you can specify delay for auto moving,
change the standard piece letter setting, changing colors, and so on.
Menu Util:
Information about the game.
Enter SetUp mode.
Menu Windows:
Places the windows in the same order as in the menu.
One entry for each window open follows.
New in version 2.0:
List windows now have tow scrollboxes, the upper box contains all the players in a file. Click on the text above the box to sort in that category. Click a player to scan
for a game he/she has played.
Colors and more options has been added.
Runs on system 6.0.7
This document should follow MacPGN!
Copyright 1995-96 Ake Sjogren. All rights reserved.